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Sunday, January 9, 2011

We have finally decided to start having at least one family time night a week.  We picked Mondays.  We are going to order pizza and play games.  We had the first official one last Monday.  It went fairly well.  We played 2 games and we all got along fairly well.  The 5 year old lost interest about 1/2 an hour before we quit.  But that is ok, we made her stay at the table with us anyway, wuahahaha!  Try to think of something you can all do together at your house and schedule it on the calendar, and stick to it.  One of our biggest challenges was making dad and oldest son put the cell phones in a safe place on silent until our time together was over. May have pics to post next Monday:)


  1. This is something I have been wanting to for a while. We've kinda tried it but not really. I also want to make reading the Bible normal for the kids like daily (and me of course as well), but just making it important.

  2. we tried a few times when becca was younger too, but it seems to work better now:) We had the most fun just playing go fish this last Monday
