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Sunday, February 27, 2011


OK, I was scared to do this, and why!?  We are not big seafood eaters at home.  My oldest would love it and I think my second son is likin it too.  I have put off making some for 2 weeks now, scared it would be awful and would put the whole family off me makin any fish of any type....LOL....but it turned out great! Woo Hoo and so simple and quick too!  I did 9 tilapia filets, 2 eggs and 1 T of milk whisked together with a dash of seasoned salt and pepper, 3/4 c Parmesan cheese mixed with 1 T Italian seasoning, 1 t granulated garlic, 1/2 t pepper and 1 1/2 t crushed red pepper flakes, dip the filets in the egg mixture then coat with the cheese mixture, oil cookie pan with olive oil and place coated filets on the pan and bake 15 minutes or until they flake easily at 425 degrees.  It was very yummy and everyone liked it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My first yummmmmy grill out of the year and hopefully many more to come!  Steak with german potato salad:)  My steak marinade is pretty easy: 8 oz Zesty Italian dressing, four dashes of Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and 2 caps of Southern Comfort:) (of course I only have it around for my marinade and pecan pies...LMAO)! let it marinate at least 2 hours, longer if possible.  For the potatoes, dice, boil til just tender, let cool before handling or saucing, add red onion, pepper and garlic salt, coat with vegetable oil and add about 6-8 cap fulls of cider vinegar(according to your taste). I made corn to, but did not get it on my plate. We use a charcoal grill, always have and I love it, but you can use your gas if ya gotta...lol...I put soaked hickory chunks in right before I grill and I dont over cook the steaks, Russ likes rare, I like some pink color, definitely no gray meat!!!! It was soooo good!  Budget conscious friends, this was top sirloin so it was pretty lean for our diet and kinda pricey, but my fave and cheapest is chuck with lots of fat, cause that is where the flavors at:) of course if you have money to blow, ribeye is the ultimate for us, like the chuck it is well marbled and so tender if you cook it right and marinade it enough:)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More cakes, it is much cheaper than buying one made for ya and if I can do it so can you, I promise!

The Fam

Spose that if I am going to talk about my family I should introduce them to you!  Russ, the love of my life for the last 17 years!  Joseph is my oldest and now he is a TEENAGER!  Then there is Noah, my baby boy and Becca my lil Princess! They all just celebrated their birthdays in the past month (Joe 13, Noah 8 and Becca 6) so we had a party all together at the skating rink.  I made the pitiful cakes:) Of course we had little family parties on their actual birthdays:) Gotta love em!
Who the heck knew.....if you get out and do things you CAN actually lose weight....LOL!  I started a weightloss challenge with our school's PTO and Tuesday night I went and walked a mile with my son Joseph and OMG the next day, I had lost 2 pounds...imagine my surprise!  I also lost a pound by doing Zumba one night too!  I think I might be on to something here....will let ya know....Buahahahahaha! p.s.  I also learned from my 13 year old who's girlfriend broke up with him on V-day and now has a new one....."me n my friend always have a "backup"...I just about died laughin and asked, "does she know she is only a backup" , gosh they start early now!